VS Factory Replica Panerai PAM 1279 Titanium Blue Watch

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Is this a good replica watch from the VS factory? Yes, the quality is good, but I don’t currently recommend it due to a significant error VS made with the movement. The genuine watch uses the P.9010 movement, but the movement plate is engraved with “P.9011.” Although previous VS models like the PAM 1033 used the P.9011, this mistake on the new PAM 1279 is unacceptable. Thankfully, the watch has a solid case back, so the movement is not visible. However, this is not the first time VS has made such an error; they previously misspelled a letter in the case back engraving of a Panerai watch.

Despite this mistake, the watch is still a high-quality replica watch. You can always rely on the quality of Panerai and Omega Seamaster replicas made by the VS factory. The PAM 1279 is a Luminor GMT model from Panerai with a case diameter of 42mm, a size that suits many people, though the case thickness is 15mm, which is slightly thick. If VS decides to develop an accurate clone of the P.9010 in the future, the watch’s thickness could be reduced. However, they are unlikely to improve the movement unless the watch becomes a best seller. VS factory is increasingly focusing on their Rolex replicas, leaving Omega and Panerai behind, but no other factories can match their quality.

The replica PAM 1279 is made of titanium, giving the case a distinct look due to special processing. The black bezel has a unique carbon texture, and the watch is very lightweight despite its thickness. The blue dial features a delicate sunray finish, with an additional GMT hand with an arrow-shaped tip in the center, accurately indicating the hour of the second time zone. The replica’s dial also has a sandwich structure like the genuine watch. The band is interesting, made of black leather with an alligator pattern on the outside, while the backside leather, which contacts the skin, has a different lichee pattern and feels more comfortable. Additionally, the replica Panerai watch comes with an extra blue rubber band.

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